Friday, August 20, 2010

It's been a non-summer

We didn't plan a family vacation this summer. The oldest scored a college summer school scholarship. The youngest, we were thinking she would need to repeat some high school classes. When we finally planned a couples-get-away, then I managed to mess up my back! We had to forget the trip. Now, we are a few days away from moving eldest back to the dorm, public schools starting up, and the heat of Texas in August. Maybe later in the fall......


Anonymous said...

I hope that your back is better and that the kids are stellar. My husband and I went to Vegas to see Elton John and I thought of you, and Highschool. I am so pleased you are well! Have you seen the local band prophets and outlaws? they are really good. I swear I am not a robot so I will complete the thingies you have to type in. Still an artist not a techee (nor a speller). Diane Noble (Shields)

Ray Janes said...

Wow Diane! Blast from the past. I've been in and out of a few bands the last 10 years. Not posting much on blog anymore. Mostly just do FaceBook. The family has had a lifetime of issues the last few years. Our oldest daughter is in college, doing Honor's work. Our youngest, we are trying to keep her alive until she turns 18 late this year. She has been in and out of several treatement centers for some issues.