Friday, January 23, 2009

It's amazing what you can find in the street....

We got our oldest daughter a new Ipod for Christmas. Her old one, just wasn't big enough. It can only hold 1000 songs......
I got the hand-me-down ipod to use while I do my walking. Actually, wife and I share it. I often listen walking out, hand it to her to use walking back home. I had a set of ear-buds that have the soft rubber replaceable tips on them. I got home one day about a month back and one of the rubber tips was missing. I put out the all-points bulletin at home, but we didn't find it. I did find a package of replacement tips, so didn't think much more about it.

Returning home from walking this week, the trail intersects a street near us that we use to get from our home to the trail. That street actually dead ends into the trail. As I was walking, looking down, lo-and-behold, there was the missing ear bud tip!
I put it in my pocket. I then forgot it and washed those pants. It survived the wash and is now back in use.

Another mystery, sol-va-ded...

1 comment:

Schweers' Mom said...

Frankly I think it's a good thing that it was washed after hanging around in God knows what...(or God knows what dog went by...)